Bal Gandharva
I watched Bal Gandharva this week-end. It's a lovely movie - extravagantly mounted with no expenses spared. Much like the man who strove to appeal to the senses of his audience. Spraying expensive scents/perfume when they walked in to watch this musical plays, giving the ladies a reason to shop for expensive, rich and exquisite sarees, shalus and of course jewels. Who can forget the creative, imaginative and innovative props for Bal Gandharva's plays? And, of course the music. Bal Gandharva alias Narayan Shripad Rajhauns is music. All those who watched the movie knew this. In almost every Marathi household, the elders have to swear by Bal Gandharva. His plays enacted by the younger generation of actors still run housefull. Of course the elders and those who had the pleasure of hearing the original, pooh-pooh the attempt. Therefore, when people like me who have been brought up in such households decide to watch the movie, can't help but be disappointed. We have heard...