One for the road
The Postscript book review was first published in Sakal Times Ambika Shaligram There is no single template to deal with death, the mind-numbing grief and that aching sense of loss. Holly was comforted by the letters that her husband, Gerry Kennedy managed to deliver to her after his death. Cecelia Ahern’s PS, I Love You was all mush, lump in your throat, kind of story. Perfect love of Gerry and Holly, one would say. The letters always signed off with ‘PS, I Love You’ guided Holly to rediscover herself. Postscript is the PS to this book and opens to Holly’s life seven years after Gerry’s death and six years after she received his letters, one for every month. Those who have read the first book (and watched the movie as well) and found it concluding on the right note, would definitely be wary of Postscript. What more could it say about death and healing? Turns out, quite a lot. Seemingly personal gestures can invite a chain of action and reaction as Holly disco...