I Know I Have Become Old...

...Because I was stunned when a friend's call woke me up at mid-night. I mumbled into the mouthpiece and didn't know when it fell besides my pillow.

(A few years earlier, I would have settled at the window sill and talked and laughed till the wee hours of morning.)

...Because I wasn't unable to concentrate thanks to the music blaring from the radio

(A few years earlier, I slept with my walkman switched on, the volume turned at “high”)

...Because I kept the 'highly readable book' aside and yawned a few times. I turned over and went off to sleep.

(A few years earlier, I would have adjusted my pillow a bit and continued with the reading. I would have kept the book down only after reading it from cover to cover.)

…Because I dismissed the idea of ordering pizzas and ice cream and preferred a second helping of aamti-bhat.

(A few years earlier, I practically lived on pizzas and double scoops of ice cream)

...Because I can now suffer fools gladly.

(A few years earlier, my frown alone would have stopped the fool in his tracks.)

...Because I spotted two-three (five, to be truthful) strands of white-hair.

(A few years earlier, my dark, thick mane was my only beauty)

I certainly have grown old, or else I wouldn't have been whining. A few years earlier, I would have gone and bought a good book, finished reading it throughout the night, while munching on chocolates and bhel-puri.

White hair, be damned. Time for a snazzy, new cut! :)


  1. we dont become old as much as we become wiser about what makes us happy.


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